Workshop Announcement
The 1st
Conference on Language Learning & Teaching:
An Interdisciplinary
Approach (LLT-IA)
October 30-31, 2012
(Aban 9-10, 1391)
Ferdowsi University of
In-conference Workshops
The LLT-IA Conference 2012 Organizing Committee
is pleased to announce in-conference workshops. Based on feedback from many of
our colleagues and language teaching experts, we have identified a set of
topics that will interest the
conference participants, researchers, language instructors, and university
students. LLT-IA conference
participants will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge of highly
relevant teaching methods/techniques or test validation theory and practice
under the tutelage of renowned scholars in the area. We hope that LLT-IA
conference participants will take advantage of these workshops and the
opportunities to engage in discussion with the instructors and colleagues. It
is worth-mentioning that Valid Certificates will be issued to the
workshop participants.
for Classroom Observation and Giving Feedback
Dr. Khalil Motallebzadeh
This workshop will introduce
the participants to the valuable techniques for classroom observation and
giving feedback in language classes. It suitably fits the needs of EFL teachers and
teacher trainers. The
main aim of the workshop is twofold: 1. Develop an understanding of the
important role of observation as a tool for teachers/trainers to gather
information for giving and receiving feedback 2. Develop self-awareness through
reflection. It is worth
mentioning that this workshop is one of a series of training workshops
that Dr.
Motallebzadeh usually offers in international
conferences. The flow of workshop is based on feeding - leading and loop
input techniques commonly employed in training workshops.
Note : If you find the workshop valuable and
are interested to be one of the potential participants of the
workshop, please
complete the one copy of the participant's profile (Click
here to download the Participant's
Profile) and
return to organizing committee of the conference via email (lltconference@yahoo.com) no
later than 1 week prior to the workshop.
Deadline: At least 7 days
before the workshop begins (October 30, 2012 – Aban 9, 1391).
Dr. Khalil Motallebzadeh is assistant professor
at the Islamic Azad University (IAU) of Torbat-e-Heydarieh and Mashhad
Branches, Iran. He is a widely published established researcher in language
testing and e-learning. He has been a visiting scholar at the University of
Illinois at Urbana Champaign (UIUC) in 2007-2008. He is also an accredited
teacher trainer of the British Council since 2008 and is currently the Iran
representative of Asia TEFL.
Click here to view Dr. Khalil Motallebzadeh's Curriculum Vitae
Models, Latent Trait Theory and Validation: Theory and Practice
Dr. Purya Baghaei
Latent variable models are the most popular
measurement models used in psychological and educational testing. These models
which include an array of statistical techniques such as confirmatory factor
analysis, Item Response theory, structural equation modeling, latent class
analysis, relate a set of indicators or observed variables to a number of
latent traits or constructs. These models have certain assumptions which must
hold. If the data fit the models, i.e., the assumptions hold then the test
measures the hypothesized latent traits.
The purpose of the present workshop is twofold:
1) to introduce the general logic of latent trait models and the essential role
they play in validation studies, and 2) to introduce one of these models,
namely, the Rasch model and its properties and assumptions.
This introductory workshop intends to
introduce the dichotomous Rasch model. Rasch measurement is becoming very
popular in educational and psychological measurement, health sciences and
marketing. Participants will gain hands-on experience using WINSTEPS, leading
Rasch software. Ministep, the student version of WINSTEPS, will be used for
analysis. It can be downloaded from www.winsteps.com for
knowledge of Classical Test Theory including item discrimination, item facility
and reliability analysis is required.
will be provided for practice.
will get handouts which contain step by step instructions for running WINSTEPS
and interpreting the outputs.
this workshop the following theoretical aspects of the Rasch model will be
1. Advantages
of Rasch model as a measurement framework over Classical Test Theory
2. Rasch
model properties: separation, interval scaling and measurement unit
the end of this workshop participants should be able to:
1. Enter data into WINSTEPS/Ministep and prepare
control files for analysis
2. Estimate
item and person measures with their standard errors
3. Assess
fit of the data to the Rasch model
4. Check
the assumptions of unidimensionality and local item independence
5. Interpret
item-person maps (Wright map) and Item Characteristics Curves (ICC)
6. Perform
Differential Item Functioning (DIF)
should participate?
who are involved in the measurement of mental, educational and psychological
constructs. This includes educationalists, psychologists, sociologists and
researchers in the fields of marketing and rehabilitation.
Dr. Purya Baghaee is
assistant professor in the English Department of Islamic Azad University,
Mashhad Branch, Iran. His major research interests are the application of Rasch
models in language test development and validation. He was a former data
analyst and validation officer at Sprachtestcentrum (Language Testing Centre)
at Klagenfurt University, Austria.
Workshop Registration Fee: The
registration fee for participating in each of these two workshops
is 700/000 Rials and should be paid into Account Number 425044834 (Reza
Pishghadam), Tejarat Bank (Code 4250) at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Please
send the scanned bank slip to lltconference@yahoo.com and
submit the original receipt on your arrival at the conference site. You need
to specify the name of the workshop(s) that you wish to attend.
Click here to see the workshop schedule
Please note that the
capacity of the workshops is limited and priority will be given to those who
are early birds in registration.